2023 MOP Webinars [CLOSED]

2023 MOP Webinars [CLOSED]

The Knowledge Management Department conducts regular webinars on the 3rd Thursday of each month. We've compiled a list of all past and upcoming webinars scheduled until the end of the year. It's important to note that all these webinars are recorded, and you can access the recordings in the Knowledge Management section of the community.
If you have a specific topic you'd like us to cover next year, please feel free to share your preferences here.

  • Tuesday, March 28 @2pm CST: MOP - Great Features and a Great Future in Sight!
  • Thursday, May 18 @2:30pm CST: MOP - Great Features and a Great Future in Sight!
  • Thursday, July 20 @2:30pm CST: MOP Reports Overview.
  • Thursday, September 21 @2:30pm CST: MOP 2.0 Overview.
  • Monday, December 11 @11am: MOP 2.0 Presentation.
  • Wednesday, December 13 @11am: MOP 2.0 Presentation.
  • Monday, December 18 @11am: MOP 2.0 Presentation.
  • Monday, December 20 @11am: MOP 2.0 Presentation.