Cybersecurity Awareness: Perfecting Passwords and PINs

Cybersecurity Awareness: Perfecting Passwords and PINs

Do you know what happens when we are rushed, behind, and a bit overwhelmed (like Suchi R, VM’s CIO who meant to send this out a week ago)? We don’t slow down enough to really take security seriously. Sometimes this means we get a little careless and reuse a password or choose a weak password. So “Week 2” is really “Weak 2,” when we talk about password security! This week, we’re focusing on passwords and PINs. We have two videos to help you avoid common mistakes and pick the perfect password. You can watch both in just under 4 minutes!

Yes, I know sending a link can be risky because as a team we’ve been learning about phishing and phishy links. But… I also know you know what to do to evaluate the email, its source, and the included links.  

Are the links secure? Proof point is an information security industry leader and a reliable source of information. Furthermore, the URL obviously hasn’t been tampered with or spoofed (such as substituting a zero for an ‘o’ or the likes). So take some time to watch the videos, and then consider your passwords and what you might want to do to improve password security.

Thanks for being safe!