Browse from Computer to Computer

Browse from Computer to Computer

Browsing from computer to computer is trying to reach a computer on your network from another one.

Open the Start menu, type Run and hit enter.
Browsing can be done using the Name or the IP of the computer that needs to be reached on the same network.

If it asks for a username and password, it is asking for the Computer's Admin Windows credential of the Computer you are trying to browse to.
If you are browsing from the Client to the Server, it will ask you for the Main Server username and password.
If you are browsing from the Server to the Client, it will ask you for the Client Station username and password.
This is fundamental for the communication between a server and a client station for VM Desktop PMS users. If both computers are not communicating in any of the two ways, see your IT support to resolve the issue.

Require assistance with that article?

- One or all pcs are having this issue? 
- Server, client or cloud pc? If Cloud, is it the broker pc? 
- Any recent changes to network or PC configurations?
- When did this start?
- Any specific errors to note?
Providing responses to the following questions in your ticket could expedite your resolution.

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