The Housekeeping Completion Times provides various statistical data in areas related to the cleaning of guest rooms and public/common areas of the hotel.
Path: Reports > Select Weekly or Monthly > HouseKeeping Completion Times
Bar Graph - Number of Rooms Serviced by Day and the Types of Service Received
1. Number of rooms
2. Day of the week or month
3. Service type
Bar Graph - Average Completion Time per Day in Minutes
1. Total Minutes
2. Day of the week or month
Team Roll Up of Minutes per Room (MPR) and Average Number of Rooms Cleaned per day
1. Pie Chart of distribution
2. Total team MPR plus average MPR for each type of service
3. Average number of rooms cleaned per day plus a breakdown of total rooms by service type
Common Areas Serviced
1. Average minutes for serviced common areas
2. Total areas serviced
Housekeeping Average Completion Time
1. Type of cleaning service
2. Minutes
3. Room Attendant's name and their MPR
Average Time In Between Tasks
1. Time
2. Room Attendant's name and time
Between Task Interrupts > = 30 Mins Count and Total Minutes
1. Minutes for the total period
2. Room Attendant's name, number of instances of more than 30 minutes in between tasks (blue bar), and total time for all instances (orange bar)