Housekeeping Room Discrepancy Report (Desktop) 🎥

Housekeeping Room Discrepancy Report (Desktop) 🎥

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The Discrepancy Report allows you to view room status differences between what is on record at the Front Office and what is reported by Housekeeping.
For the Discrepancy report to generate any data, Housekeeping would have needed to enter a discrepancy notification for the system to track
Path: Housekeeping > Room Status > Room Discrepancy > Discrepancy Report

Generate report

1. Narrow down the report using the optional available filters (from left to right):
- by choosing for which date(s) you want the report.
by room number or for all rooms.

2. Click Refresh.

Detailed report

- Date the discrepancy was reported.
- Room number for which the discrepancy was reported.

- Occupancy status that was on record at the Front Desk.
- Occupancy status reported by Housekeeping.

- Condition status that was on record at the Front Desk.
- Condition status reported by Housekeeping.

This feature was designed with larger hotels in mind. In full-service hotels, for example, it is the best way for housekeeping to communicate with the front desk on rooms and statuses.
Throughout the day a housekeeping supervisor would update rooms as they are cleaned. They make note of whether the room looks occupied or vacant and enter their status based on what's in the room. This will create discrepancies.
For example, a room that is vacant in Front Office but housekeeping says is occupied tells the front desk they need to find out who is staying in this room. Maybe the guest got checked out by accident or a room move happened but the reservation was not moved in the system. 
The other discrepancy is more commonly associated with express checkouts. The room is due out but not checked out, housekeeper cleans the room and reports the room is vacant.
Probably around check-out time is when the front desk would want to run a discrepancy report and take care of the rooms on the list. 

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