Backdate a Walk-In After Audit (Cloud)

Backdate a Walk-In After Audit (Cloud)

Creating a post-audit arrival involves setting up a reservation for a guest who intends to check in on the date you just closed with your audit. Whether it's a guest who made an online booking after the hotel's nightly audit (note: you won't receive the booking due to the date), a walk-in guest, or a no-show whose reservation was previously canceled, you'll need to backdate the arrival date to record the guest's arrival and generate a folio for their stay. This process can be performed using various functions like "Add Res," "Book Res," "Availability," or the "Room Chart."
Backdating a reservation can only be done during its creation. Once a reservation is saved, it cannot be backdated to a date before the audit date.
Ensure that each step in this article is meticulously followed, as missing any of them may lead to problems like reservations not saving or room charges not posting.
If you encounter any issues where a step is not occurring or showing, try clearing your browser's cache and cookies and then restart it before attempting again.

1. If you start a reservation from "Availability" or "Room Chart", backdate the calendar using the single left arrow.

2. Make sure you select a room arriving on the day before your current audit date.

3. When selecting the rate, make sure you are still on the backdated day, and select the applicable rate.

4. Back to "Add Res", complete the reservation starting with the Contact Information.

5. Continue with the Stay Details: confirm the arrival date and select the room type (if you did not go through the room chart) and the room number.

6. Select the Payment Method. This will NOT trigger the authorization... yet.

7. Save the Reservation.

8. Complete the authorization process: click "Authorize" and "OK".
At this point, it's important to note that any setup incidental amount will not be added. These incidental amounts are only included in the initial authorization if the check-in occurs on the day of arrival. Since we are backdating the arrival date, they will not be added.

9. Complete the Check-In Process. Start by selecting the Method of Payment.

10. Accept the authorization made previously and click OK.

11. Confirm the post of Room & Tax charges. Click OK.

12. Once the check-in completed, the room charge will show on the folio with a "Late C/I" reference.

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