1. Certificate file and the Key file that goes with the certificate file
2. Hotel’s RFC number
For Invoice One Webservices:
1. User Name
2. Password
3. Certificate Password
4. Regimen Fiscal
5. Generic RFC (this is not the hotels RFC)
Go to the Server Shared Folder
Go to C:\ImageTech\VisualMatrix\Shared.
Create a folder called “Certificates”.
Place the certificate and key file the hotel gave you in this folder.
Rename both files to be SatCert (SatCert.cer and SatCert.key)
Go to Management > Setup > Property > General
In the General Information, enter the Hotel’s RFC number into the Tax Id field.
Also, make sure the “Mailing Address” portion is filled in, there must be a State code.
In Guest Folios, check the box for "Use Serial Numbers” and enter what the “next serial #” should be.
Go to Management > Setup > Property > Parameters
In Modules, set the “Localization” to “Mexico”.
Click the Setup button and enter the Provider, Username, Password, Certificate Password, Regimen Fiscal, and General RFC.
Click Save.
Setup is Completed
Any company they create will have a “Tax Code” field. This is where that company’s RFC number will go.
The same goes for any City Ledger account they create. There will be a “Tax Code” field where they can put in the company’s RFC number.
All reservations with have a “Tax Code” filed below the “Rate Type” filed. If they select a company or city ledger account this field will fill in automatically.
Upon checkout they will have the option to send or create for Invoice One. Do a test to make sure there are no errors.