MOP-Opera Cloud Integration Details (Opera) (MOP 2.0)

MOP-Opera Cloud Integration Details (Opera) (MOP 2.0)

Here are essential guidelines on how communication operates between MOP and Opera Cloud. As a user of both platforms, grasping these principles will ensure you fully leverage MOP’s features and optimize its integration with Opera Cloud.

1. Create Taskheets in Opera Cloud

- LC will carry over to MOP as Refresh.
- FC will carry over to MOP as Full Clean.
- Any Occupied rooms with a departure date of today carry over as Due Out.
- Any Vacant Dirty rooms carry over as Checked out/Disinfect Clean.

2. Task sheets are Imported as Assigned to the appropriate Room Attendant

- If the Room Attendant does not have an account in MOP yet it will automatically be created based on the First name set in Opera Cloud.
- Please fill out both First and Last name when creating Room Attendants in Opera Cloud.
- After the user is created in MOP a temporary password will be set for the account based on the following logic: FIRSTNAME1234# (All caps first name).
- During the first login the user will be prompted to change the temporary password.
- Password requirements: Minimum of 8 characters, It must consist of characters from a minimum of three out of four character classes, which include uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

3. After importing the Tasksheets

Please make any Assignment changes and priority settings in MOP, as these changes are not synchronized between the systems after import.

4. Housekeeping Integration details

Reservation changes:
- When a reservation is checked out of Opera Cloud > MOP will update the duty from Due out to Checked out/Disinfect Clean (please note that this update will not reflect if the task has already been started/finished/verified).
- If a Due Out reservation is extended the change will reflect in the MOP duty and update to Refresh/Full Clean based on the number of days the reservation has been on property.
- If a reservation is checking out early the MOP duty will update when the dates are changed on the reservation.
- If the Guest is checking out and checking back into the same room the Dirty room Check in will be verified in Opera Cloud, MOP will update the duty of the task to Full Clean.
- Room Cleaning process: Based on your Opera Cloud settings there are two ways MOP is sending messages to Opera Cloud.
- Dirty/Clean: When a room is in “Finished” Status, MOP is not sending any messages, as soon as the room is in a “Verified” status MOP sets the room as Clean in Opera Cloud2.
- Dirty/Clean/Inspected: When a room is in “Finished” Status in MOP, MOP is setting the room as Clean in Opera Cloud, as soon as the room is in a “Verified” status MOP sets the room as Inspected in Opera Cloud.

5. Maintenance Integration

- If a work order is created in MOP with a Level of 4 the room will be set to Out of Service for the day in Opera Cloud.
- If a work order is created in MOP with a Level of 5 the room will be set to Out of Order for the day in Opera Cloud.
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