Post a Charge/Payment on a Guest Folio (Cloud) 🎥

Post a Charge/Payment on a Guest Folio (Cloud) 🎥

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A folio regroups all charges and payments linked to a guest's stay. While daily room charges are posted automatically during the night audit, you can also manually post any extra charges on the folio.
Path: Front Office > Cashiering > Guest Account > Select "In-House Guests" from the right-hand toolbox and Open the Folio to charge

1. Click "View" to open the folio.

2. The new charge/payment will be added from the "Detail Posting" section at the bottom.

3. Select the accounting code of the charge/payment to post.

4. Enter any related reference. The field allows up to 21 characters.

5. Enter the amount of the charge/payment.

6. Click "Save".

7. The charge/payment is now posted.

8. The balance is updated.
- A balance enclosed in brackets "( )" indicates a credit balance, indicating that more payments have been recorded than charges.
- A balance without brackets signifies a debit balance, indicating that no payments have been posted and the client still owes the bill.

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