PrePrint Departing Folios (Cloud)

PrePrint Departing Folios (Cloud)

Preprinting departing folios in a hotel can streamline the check-out process and offer several benefits. Overall, it is a practical approach to improve operational efficiency, enhance guest satisfaction, and minimize check-out-related disruptions in a hotel. The folios will be printed with the current balance, likely without the payment posted, even if there is authorization on the account. In addition, it's important to note that any reservation that was set up with "Email" selected in the Confirmation Delivery field will be directly emailed and not printed when preprinting departing folios in a hotel. This ensures that guests who prefer digital communication receive their folios electronically.
Path: Front Office > Cashiering > Guest Account

1. Choose Preprint Departing Folios from the toolbox on the right.
2. Choose one of the 3 options:
- All: Will print all of the current day check-out folios, individuals, and groups.
- Individuals: Will print only the individual guests (no group members).
- Groups Only: Will print only groups member's folios.
3. Click Print.

Once generated, you will have a message of confirmation in a popup message:
- Departing folios set to be emailed have been sent: Any reservation that was set up as Email in the Confirmation Delivery field, will be directly emailed and not printed.
- Departing folios set to be printed has been sent to browser print job: Any reservation that was set up as Fax, Mail Guest, or Walk-In in the Confirmation Delivery field will be printed.
- There is no departing folio set to be printed: Either there are no departures or all of them are set up to be emailed.
- No Departing Folios Found: Either there are no departures or all of them are set up to be emailed.

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