Reconcile Travel Agents Checks (Cloud) 🎥

Reconcile Travel Agents Checks (Cloud) 🎥

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Reconciliation is the process of comparing transactions and activity to supporting documentation. Further, reconciliation involves resolving any discrepancies that may have been discovered.
Path: Accounting > Travel Agents > Reconcile Checks

Every printed checked will show by default, but you have the possibility to narrow down for a specific check:
- by date or date range.
- by IATA number.
- by Travel Agent/Agency.

You can ask to show the results sorted by check date, check number, TA name or check posted date.
Also, you can choose to see the unreconcilied checks as well as the one already reconciled.

To reconcile a check, just check the "Reconcile" box.
To cancel or void the reconciliation, change the search to "Reconcile Checks" above and uncheck the box.

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