This feature gives the possibility to conveniently send promotional letters to a blanket group of guests.
Setup the Letter
1. Create a
Promotional Letter from Management > Setup > Property > Letters > Promotional.
2. Back to front Office/Supervisor, select the letter from the Select Letter Type dropdown.
3. Select clients to send the letter to. Search by arrival date (every guest that arrived in a date range) or by departure (every guest that checked out in a date range) and a date range for the search.
4. Check a Delivery Options:
- Mail only: will only print letters to anyone that did not have an email in their reservation.
- Email only: will only email letters to anyone that had an email in their reservation.
- Mail/Email: will email letters to anyone that had an email and will print letters for anyone who did not.
5. Enter the subject line to display in the email.
6. Click "Print" to email or print the promotional letters.
The Email Generated
The Subject is whatever was entered in step #5 above.
The body of the email is hard codded and will show "Please review the attached courtesy letter".
The letter itself will be attached to the email.