Every night, Visual Matrix is purging data that have reached a certain number of days or years. Once data is purged, it cannot be restored. This section is to set up the lenght of time sensitive data is saved before being purged: credit cards, driver's license, reservations and financial.
Path: Management > Setup > Property > Parameters > Section "Sensitive Data Purge Settings" (top right)
Every night, Visual Matrix is purging data that have reached the number of days or years that are set up. Once data is purged, it cannot be restored.
If you decide that you want to keep all your data (not advised), put 0 in each field. By default, data is set up to purge regularly.
Enter the number of days or years each data should be kept:
- Credit Card numbers (in days): should be between 90 and 365 days.
- Driver's License ID number (in days): should be between 90 and 365 days.
- Reservations Data (in years): selection is between 3 and 5 years.
- Financial Data (in years): selection is between 3 and 7 years.
Enter or select 0 to never purge the data (not recommended).
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