We recommend printing this report a couple of times a year to ensure that all rate plans are correctly mapped between VM and Member Web.
The Check Compare report gives you a comparison between Visual Matrix and Member Web on the room types and discount codes mapped in Visual Matrix and the discount codes available for your property in Member Web.
The report can be generated up to 3 times per day.
Path: Management > Interfaces > All Interfaces > Best Western 2 Way > Check Compare on the right side.
What the report is made of
At the top of each page, the report will show the Hotel Code (1), Hotel Name (2), and the Report Type (3).
The report is composed of 5 sections:
- Room Type Comparison.
- Rate Plan Comparison.
- Rate Plan / Room Type Combination Comparison.
- Send GTY Indicator Comparison.
- Unmapped Rate Plans.
Each section is divided into three sections left/right:
4. CRS: That information comes from Member Web.
5. PMS: That information comes from Visual Matrix. If the rate code is mapped correctly, it will show here.
6. Comments: This column will show if Visual Matrix and Member Web are or not matching.
Room Type Comparison
Every room type in Visual Matrix should be in Member Web.
Two reasons for not matching:
- Room Types Type and/or Qualifier and/or the Meal Plan have changed in Member Web and have not been updated in Visual Matrix.
- The number of Max Adults. Generally, a hotel would not sell online the max guest of the room to keep this possible for local reservations.
You can compare this report from Member Web by following the instructions below.
The number in MaxAdults will match the number of lines (1pers, 2pers, 3pers, ...) in Member Web for that room type.
Rate Plan Comparison
Every Rate Plan in Member Web should be mapped in Visual Matrix.
This section will show every rate plan from Member Web and if they are mapped in Visual Matrix.
If you have some groups, the list will start with them. In Member Web, a group is stored as a Rate Plan.
Those will always show Not Matching. It has no signification.
If the Rate Plan is correctly mapped it will show Matching in the last column (1).
Three reasons for not matching:
- The Rate Plan is not mapped (2).
- The
Rate Level is mapped but shows as not matching because it is not assigned to a Rate Level: it can be checked and corrected at Management > Rates > Discounts > Setup > Levels.
- The Rate Plan is an Excep/Fixed (3): this type of discount is set up as Fixed (F) in Visual Matrix but Member Web does not name this discount type and leaves the field is empty. Those Rate Plans will always show as Not Matching.
Rate Plan / Room Type Combination Comparison
This section will show to which room type the Rate Plans are mapped.
The Status in the Comments column will match the status of the previous section.
Most of the time, Rate Plans are mapped to every room type. If one room type shows "Not Matching", it is generally because it is a new room type that was added recently.
If every room type are Not Matching, check if the Rate Plan is mapped and if the Rate Level is correct.
When a new room type is added to the mapping table, every Rate Plan has to be mapped to this new room type one by one. They are not mapped automatically.
Send GTD Indicator Comparison
One of the mapping indicators is the Guarantee Type update. Is the Guarantee Type managed in Visual Matrix and synced with Member Web or is it managed in Member Web directly?
This section will confirm if the information between Visual Matrix and Member Web is matching.
If a line is Not Matching, either the Rate Plan is not mapped or the status needs to be corrected in the mapping table.
UnMapped Rate Plans
This section will show all the rate codes that are in Visual Matrix but not in Member Web.
Most of the time, it is old Rate Plans that are not used anymore or local Rate Plans that are not used online.
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