View a City Ledger Payment History (Cloud) 🎥

View a City Ledger Payment History (Cloud) 🎥

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When posting a payment on a City Ledger account, the payment history section will display the payment only if the full payment amount has been distributed to one or more invoices associated with the account. If only a portion of the payment has been distributed to an invoice, the details of that partial payment will be shown in the invoice payments window within the account detail. This distinction helps keep a clear record of how payments are allocated to specific invoices and provides transparency in the payment history.
Path: Accounting > City Ledger > Account Listing > Open a CL Account > Payment History on the right side.

1. Every payment posted and fully distributed on the CL account will display on the left side. Select a payment.

2. On the top right side, you will see every invoice to which the selected payment was applied with the amount of the invoice and the payment.

3. On the bottom left side, you will see every invoice to which the selected payment was applied with the amount posted.

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