The Dashboard
Check PMS Version (Cloud)
In VM Cloud, there is a specific location to check not only the version the user is running on, but also what were the latest updates. 1. From the Dashboard, click on "Support" on the top right of the window. 2. Click on "Release Notes". 3. Get ...
Dashboard Tiles Overview (Cloud)
The Dashboard tiles are shortcuts to a more detailed view of each data. The statistics are forecast, versus for example statistics in the room rack, are both forecast and current. # TILE OPENS 1 Departure Departures list Front Office > Cashiering > ...
Update User Password (Cloud)
This feature is only available in Visual Matrix Cloud and is not accessible in the case of a forgotten password. Visual Matrix requires every user to reset their password every 90 days. To avoid being locked out because of an expired password, a user ...
Knowledge Base Access (Cloud)
This feature is only available in Visual Matrix Cloud. VM Desktop Users can access that feature from the Support page at Click on the question mark at the bottom right of the screen. The question mark will open a side panel ...
Set up On-Call Feature (Cloud)
To setup the On-Call person(s), click on On Call at the top-right corner of the screen. The window is divided into 3 tabs: Guests Requests, Hotel, and Services. Guest Requests Tab - Someone has to be checked in each category 1. Guest Text Requests: ...
Dashboard "Search Today" (Cloud)
This feature is only available in the Cloud version. When you log into the Cloud, you'll find a "Search Today" field at the top-right corner of the screen. This feature allows you to quickly search for a reservation among today's in-house or arrival ...