Create a New Group (BW) (Cloud) 🎥

Create a New Group (BW) (Cloud) 🎥

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The Group screen in your hotel management system is divided into two main sections. The top portion is dedicated to entering group information when creating a group block. In contrast, the bottom portion contains a Room Allocation window where you can assign specific room type allocations to the group block.
Path: Front Office > Group > Group.

Contact Information

Group Name: Reservations in the group will fall under this name.
Event Name: Enter the event name for a group. For example, John’s Wedding.
Last Name: Enter the last name of a group's primary contact
First Name: Enter the first name of a group’s primary contact.
Main Phone Number: Enter the primary contact's phone number
Email: Enter the primary contact's email address.
Address 1/Address 2/City/State/ZIP/Country: Enter the primary contact's locations.
Second Phone: Enter the primary contact's secondary phone number.
Language: Select the language from the drop-down menu for the confirmation letter.
Confirmation Delivery: Select the delivery method from the drop-down to send the confirmation letter.
Custom Letter: Select a custom letter, if available, from the drop-down menu.
An address has to be entered for every group or the group won't sync with Member Web.


Comments: Enter comments for the group reservation. The comments you enter here print with the registration card.
Internal Comments: Enter comments about the group for only hotel personnel to access.

Marketing Info

Market Segment: Select a group’s relative marketing segment from the drop-down.
Referral Method: Select a referral method from the drop-down.
Reason for Stay: Select the reason a group will stay from the drop-down.

Stay Details, Guarantee & Allocation Type

Arrival Date: Enter the date a group will arrive. Type the date into the text field, or select the date from the calendar by clicking on the calendar icon.
Nights: Enter the number of nights a group will stay. The number of nights will automatically populate the Departure Date.
Departure Date: Enter the date a group will leave. Type the date into the text field, or select the date from the calendar by clicking on the calendar icon.

Guarantee Type: Select the "guarantee type" from the drop-down, the charges that the guest making the reservation will be responsible for.
Allow FD to Pickup Room: Allow other users to pick up room allocations under this group reservation.
Allocation Drop Type/Days: Select the drop type from the drop-down.
Standard: Enter a specific date next to the type drop-down that will be the drop off day.
Rolling Days: Enter the number of days after the date of the reservation you are making that the room allocations will drop.
Status: Displays the status of the group reservation: New, Hold, Guaranteed, Out, or Cancel.
I.A.T.A. #: Select an IATA number for the drop-down. To look up an agency name, select Look up IATA #.
Company: Select a group's company from the drop-down menu. Click the search icon to look up a company name.

Rate Information & Packages

Discount Code: Select the code from the drop-down.
Tax Status: Click "Exempt" to open the Revenue Tax Exemption Window.
Add - Ons: Click Multiple to open the Add Multiple Package window. Select the date and the package from the drop-down. Click Add New to add the package(s) you select.

Summary of Charges & Payment Info

Deposit Required: Enter the required deposit amount, if applicable.
Deposit Date: Enter the due date for a group deposit, or select the date by clicking on the calendar icon.
Deposit Required Paid: Enter the dollar amount required for group deposits.
Estimated Balance: Displays the remaining balance on the group folio. Includes pick up charges, if applicable.
Payment Info: Select the method of payment from the drop-down.

Guarantee & Confirmation

Group ID - Displays the guarantee and confirmation number in the Group ID. Give the number to group contact to confirm a reservation.

BW Group Info (BW Hotels Only)

BW Group ID: Displays the Best Western Group ID number.
Rate Plan Code: Displays the rate plan code that affects the rate charged.
Group Type: Select the group type from the drop-down that best describes a group making a reservation.
Planner BWR#: Enter the Best Western ID number, or click the BWR icon to look up a Best Western Rewards member by BWR#, Email, or Name/City.
Booking Channel: Select the channel a group used to create a reservation.
Planner Address Type: Select the address type of the guest creating a group reservation.
Guarantee Method: Select the guarantee method setup in the drop-down.
Cancel Policy: Select the timeframe for an allowed cancellation from the drop-down.
Group Online URL: Displays the URL to give to the guests to book allocation from that group online. This URL is not created by Visual Matrix but provided by Best Western based on the group information, including the "Booking Channel".
Group Online Comments: Enter comments to display on the registration card.

Room Allocations

Add Allocation: Click to add room allocations for a group prior to saving the reservation, and then enter the allocation information in the pop up dialog box.
Once you save the group block, the Add Allocation button is no longer available and you will need to select Add New Row instead.

Once the Group Block is saved you can view, modify, or add additional allocations in the Room Allocations window.
Click on Add New Row to select the room type from the drop-down. 
Populate the # Adults, Xtra Adult charge, # RMS, and Rate fields once the room type is selected. 
Click Save Allocations to Save any changes.

The Restriction button gives the possibility to setup an MLOS per night.

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What is the group id? (there should be a 4 digit number in VM for every group) 
What is the status of the group reservation? 
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