Repost an Unsettled CC Transactions

Repost an Unsettled CC Transactions

A transaction might be returned as unsettled by the credit card processor during the batch settlement for various reasons, including: Insufficient Funds*, Authorization Declined*, Technical Issues*, Communication Errors*, Cardholder Dispute*, or Expired Authorization*. It's essential to investigate the specific reason for the unsettled status by checking transaction logs, communication records, and, if necessary, reaching out to the credit card processor for more information.

The only preemptive measure before contacting the credit card processor is attempting to repost the transaction.
- Get the folio/confirmation number from the credit card batch.

- Go to the folio.
- Select the method of payment, enter the amount and click on "Save".

- The window will be empty of information. Click on "View".

- Highlight the credit card to charge (again) and click on "Use this Card".

- Back into the "Credit Card - Charge" window. Click "Authorize", then "ok".

- Once successfully reposted, you can void the previous unsettled transaction.

*Insufficient Funds: The cardholder may not have sufficient funds to cover the transaction amount.
*Authorization Declined: The authorization request sent by the hotel to the credit card processor is declined for some reason, such as an expired card, incorrect information, or suspicion of fraud.
*Technical Issues: Temporary technical issues between the hotel's system and the credit card processor can lead to unsettled transactions.
*Communication Errors: Errors in communication between the hotel's system and the credit card processor can result in transactions being marked as unsettled.
*Cardholder Dispute: The cardholder disputes the transaction, and the processor returns it as unsettled pending resolution.
*Expired Authorization: The authorization obtained during check-in may expire before settlement, leading to an unsettled status.

Require assistance with that article?

One transaction or all transactions?
Have you contacted your processor for a voice auth? 
What's the confirmation number? 
Status of the reservation? 
Providing responses to the following questions in your ticket could expedite your resolution.
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