Sales & Mktg City Ledger Profile (Cloud) 🎥

Sales & Mktg City Ledger Profile (Cloud) 🎥

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As you navigate through this screen of the City Ledger aspect of Sales and Marketing there is a sidebar menu to the left that lets you know what portion of the City Ledger tab you are in. This portion is as noted, under Company Address. Key points of this section. You can see the Name and Address of a particular company that has direct bill privileges.

Billing Information
The sidebar menu indicates we are in the Billing Information of the the screen. This will provide information regarding the extent of the direct billing privileges. The two options are as follows: All (room and tax, incidentals, meals, etc.) or Room and Tax only. What is not seen on this screen but is visible on the Accounting side are things such as the status of the aging balance; current, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, and the total balance, a language option, and how to send out invoices such as email. Key points of this section. Direct bill allowances and status.

Contact Information
The sidebar menu indicates we are in the Contact Information part of the screen. This will provide a key point of contact for billing issues, updates, and any changes within the Direct Bill agreement. There are fields for the name, phone number, and email of the contact. Key points of this section. Primary contact at the company for billing privileges and any changes.

Credit Information 
The sidebar menu indicates that we are in the Credit Information field. Drop-down window allows for seeing the terms of credit extension. You can also see the discount % if any are applicable for the account Key points of this section. Terms of the agreement for payment expectation and the credit limit extended.

Authorized to Book
The sidebar menu indicates that we are in the Authorized to Book field. Up to three names can be listed to authorized Direct Billing for payment. Key points of this section. Names of the individuals who can make the reservation and authorize the direct billing for payment.

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