Setup Fixed Fees (Desktop) 🎥

Setup Fixed Fees (Desktop) 🎥

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A Fixed Fee is an additional charge that, once setup, is automatically posted to each room nightly during the night audit. This fee can be taxable and exempted like a tax.
Path: Management > Setup > Property > Fixed Fees 
Before adding a new fixed fee to the settings, the fixed fee needs to have an accounting code.

1. Posting Code: Click the drop-down and choose the code you have just created.
2. Charge Amount or %: Is this fee a percentage of the room charge or a flat amount.
3. Taxable: Is this fee taxable, either by Revenue tax or with a Sales tax.
4. Sales Tax Code: if the fee is taxable with a Sales tax, choose here the Sales tax to apply.
5. Per Adult: Is the fee applicable per person (Adults, children not counted), or per room.
6. By %: If you entered a % amount in field #3, then check the box.
7. Off Rack: If the fee should be applied to the Rack rate, check the box.

To remove a Fixed Fee, highlight the line and click on Ctrl+Delete.

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