Complete List of Reports Available in Visual Matrix PMS

Complete List of Reports Available in Visual Matrix PMS

This article summarizes every report available in Visual Matrix. Click on the designated link to get to their detailed article, Cloud or Desktop (some links may be missing... they are coming!).
Before you go through the list of all the reports that are available in Visual Matrix, let's dive into how they are generated and the tools available in each of themTo make sure you have the most accurate and adjusted data on the screen, always click on the Refresh button on a report page.

Front Office > Reports > Front Office

Arrivals (Dynamic) | Cloud | Desktop
Packages (Dynamic) | Cloud | Desktop
Departures (Dynamic) | Cloud | Desktop
In House Guests (Dynamic) | Cloud | Desktop
In House History Frequency (Dynamic) Cloud | Desktop
In House Company Listing (Dynamic) Cloud | Desktop
In House Parking Lot (Dynamic) Cloud | Desktop
In House Charge Verification (Dynamic) Cloud | Desktop
In House Extra Locator (Dynamic) Cloud | Desktop
In House Market Segment (Dynamic) Cloud | Desktop
In House Driver's License (Dynamic) Cloud | Desktop
Over Credit Limit (Dynamic) | Cloud | Desktop
Two Week Forecast | Cloud | Desktop
Operator Cash Out (Dynamic) | Cloud | Desktop
Trans Log (Dynamic) | Cloud | Desktop
Downtime Reports (Dynamic) | Cloud | Desktop
Airport Schedule (Dynamic) | Cloud | Desktop
Activity Schedule (Dynamic) | Cloud | Desktop

Front Office > Supervisor

Hotel Status | Cloud | Desktop
Special Request | Cloud | Desktop
Guests Texts | Cloud | Desktop
Loss of Business - Regrets | Cloud | Desktop
Loss of Business - Early Check Outs | Cloud | Desktop
Reason for Stay | Cloud | Desktop

Front Office > Supervisor > Reports

Reservations by Operator (RES By Operator) | Cloud | Desktop
Reservation Modification Logs (RES Mod Log) | Cloud | Desktop
Rate Override | Cloud | Desktop
Marketing Arrivals | Cloud | Desktop
Yield Management Forecast | Cloud | Desktop
Occupancy Forecast | Cloud | Desktop
Advance Deposit  | Cloud | Desktop
Delinquent Deposit | Cloud | Desktop
Advance Sellout | Cloud | Desktop
Room History | Cloud | Desktop
No-Shows | Cloud

Housekeeping > Room Status

Housekeeping Alerts | Cloud | Desktop
Room Status History | Cloud | Desktop

Housekeeping > Reports

Arrivals | Cloud | Desktop
Supply Usage Analysis | Cloud | Desktop
Time Allotment Analysis | Cloud | Desktop
Services History | Cloud | Desktop
Room Discrepancy | Cloud | Desktop
Room Status | Cloud | Desktop
Room Assignment | Cloud | Desktop

Maintenance > Preventative

60 Day Forecast | Cloud | Desktop

Maintenance > Reports

Work Order Analysis | Cloud | Desktop
Preventative Maintenance Analysis | Cloud | Desktop

Accounting > City Ledger

Account Listing | Cloud | Desktop
Statements (Print) | Cloud | Desktop
AGING (Report) | Cloud | Desktop
Over Credit Limit | Cloud | Desktop
Transaction Log (Trans Log) | Cloud | Desktop

Accounting > Travel Agents

Commissions Payable | Cloud | Desktop
Commission History | Cloud | Desktop
AGING (Report) | Cloud | Desktop
Transaction Log (Trans Log) | Cloud | Desktop

Accounting > Night Audit > Run Audit

Guests Due-Out | Cloud | Desktop
No-Shows | Cloud | Desktop
Pre-Room and Tax | Cloud | Desktop
Operator Cash out | Cloud | Desktop
Operator Transactions | Cloud | Desktop
Two Way Error Log (BW) | Cloud | Desktop

Accounting > Night Audit > Reprint Report

Operator Transactions (Static) | Cloud | Desktop
Transaction Log (Static) | Cloud | Desktop
Room and Tax (Static) | Cloud | Desktop
Revenue Tax Summary | Cloud | Desktop
Tax Exempt | Cloud | Desktop
Credit Card Batch (Static) | Cloud | Desktop
Daily Report (Static) | Cloud | Desktop
General Ledger Journal (Static) | Cloud | Desktop
Market Segment (Static) | Cloud | Desktop
Reason for Stay (Static) | Cloud | Desktop
Referral Method (Static) | Cloud | Desktop

Sales & Marketing > Marketing > Guest/Company/Travel Agent/City Ledger (Marketing Exports)

Guests | Cloud | Desktop
Company | Cloud | Desktop
Travel Agent | Cloud | Desktop
City Ledger | Cloud | Desktop

Sales & Marketing > Reports > Hotel Status

Hotel Status | Cloud | Desktop

Sales & Marketing > Reports > Status and Arrivals

Market Arrivals | Cloud | Desktop
Source of Business | Cloud | Desktop

Sales & Marketing > Reports > Forecast

Groups | Cloud | Desktop
Company | Cloud | Desktop
Travel Agents | Cloud | Desktop
City Ledger | Cloud | Desktop
Market Segment | Cloud | Desktop
Referral Code | Cloud | Desktop
Reason for Stay | Cloud | Desktop
Guest Incentive | Cloud | Desktop
Occupancy | Cloud | Desktop
Yield Management | Cloud | Desktop
Market Mix | Cloud | Desktop
Discount Code | Cloud | Desktop
Res Origin | Cloud | Desktop
Demographics | Cloud | Desktop

Sales & Marketing > Reports > History

Groups | Cloud | Desktop
Company | Cloud | Desktop
Travel Agents | Cloud | Desktop
City Ledger | Cloud | Desktop
Market Segment | Cloud | Desktop
Referral Code | Cloud | Desktop
Reason for Stay | Cloud | Desktop
Room Type Popularity | Cloud | Desktop
Yield Management | Cloud | Desktop
Discount Code | Cloud | Desktop
Res Origin | Cloud | Desktop
Demographics | Cloud | Desktop

Management > Rates > Room Rates

Rate Mod Log | Cloud

Management > Reports

Hotel Status | Cloud | Desktop

Management > Reports > Forecast

Occupancy Forecast | Cloud | Desktop
Revenue Forecast | Cloud | Desktop
Market Mix Forecast | Cloud | Desktop
Yield Management Forecast | Cloud | Desktop

Management > Reports > History

Statistic Recap | Cloud | Desktop
Room Type Popularity | Cloud | Desktop
Yield Management (Mgmt) | Cloud | Desktop
Revenue Summary | Cloud | Desktop
Operator Deposits | Cloud | Desktop
Daily Recap | Cloud | Desktop
Census | Cloud | Desktop

Revenue Management Live! > Reports [Pending]

Estimated Occupancy Forecast
Forecast Trend Adjustment Analysis
Rate History
High Occupancy Report (High Occ Report)
Action Log | VM Cloud | VM Desktop

Point of Sale > Reports [Pending]

POS Reports | VM Cloud | VM Desktop

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