FAQ - Management / Rates/Taxes/Fees/Add-Ons
How can I change the room rate for tonight only?
Set up a Peak Date by navigating to Management > Rates > Peak Dates, clicking "Add New," and selecting the desired date. Define the room rates for the specified room types and save the changes.
Can I adjust a rate a year from now?
Yes, you can modify future rates using seasonal room rates. Navigate to Management > Rates > Room Rates, select the relevant season, and update the rates for each room type as needed. You can either create a new season or adjust the existing season covering the desired period. Please note that updating rates for a future period will not affect rates on reservations already saved.
How do I remove a rate season?
While you cannot delete a rate season, you can backdate it by setting its date range to predate your oldest season. Ensure there are no gaps or overlaps in the date ranges, including expired seasons.
If I update the tax rate, does it affect current prepaid reservations or future reservations?
Any changes to the tax rate in the PMS will take effect immediately and update the rate details for reservations. However, tax rates are set up separately in the PMS and the OTA portal. If the tax rate differs between the PMS and the OTA, the guest may end up paying a different tax-included total than what was originally shown at the time of booking. For more information on how tax rate changes impact current and future reservations on the OTA side, it’s recommended to contact your OTA provider directly.
Can I schedule a tax rate change?
Currently, this option is not available in Visual Matrix, unless you are set up with tax-included rates. If a tax rate change is required, it must be applied manually on the designated date. Be sure to check with your OTAs to ensure the tax change is reflected in the total price for online reservations.
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