Advance Sellout Report (Cloud) 🎥

Advance Sellout Report (Cloud) 🎥

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The Advance Sellout report is a tool that helps hotels understand how far in advance guests are booking their reservations. It provides insights into booking trends and allows hotels to anticipate future occupancy levels. This information is valuable for revenue management and allows hotels to make informed decisions about pricing and availability based on the lead time of bookings.
Path: Front Office > Supervisor > Reports > Advance Sellout

Generate report

1. Choose the time frame you want to generate the report for.

2. Click Refresh

Detailed report

- Date and day.
- Number of arrivals.
- Number of departures.

- Number of rooms sold for that day.
- Occupancy rate forecast.

- Number of rooms sold per lead time before arrival: 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, more than 7 days, ... more than 90 days.

- Totals for each segment.

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