Supply Usage Analysis Report (Cloud) 🎥

Supply Usage Analysis Report (Cloud) 🎥

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The Supply Usage Analysis Report enables you to assess the quantity and cost of items utilized or restocked by Housekeeping during room cleaning activities. This data is derived from the number of rooms sold and the configuration settings defined in the Supply Usage Setup.
Path: Housekeeping > Reports > Supply Usage Analysis

Generate report

1. Narrow down the report using the optional available filters (from left to right):
- by the date(s) for which the report will be generated.
- by choosing one item or All.

2. Click Refresh.

Detailed report

- Item analyzed.
- Room type for which the item usage will be detailed.
- Unit cost reminder set up.

- Number of items used for the time period for that room type.
- Total cost for that item for the time period.
- Total cost of the item for "Change" rooms.
- Total cost of the item for "Make" rooms.

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