Time Allotment Analysis Report (Cloud) 🎥

Time Allotment Analysis Report (Cloud) 🎥

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The Housekeeping Time Allotment Analysis report provides insights into the number of minutes each housekeeper has been assigned to work during the selected date range, depending on the service settings configured within the Time Allotment feature. For effective management of Cleaning Service Schedules, refer to the Setup Housekeeping Time Allotment section.
Path: Housekeeping > Reports > Time Allotement Analysis

Generate report

1. Narrow down the report using the optional available filters (from left to right):
by the date(s) for which the report will be generated.
- by housekeeper: to narrow down the report by housekeeper or for all.

2. Click Refresh.

Detailed report

- Name of the Housekeeper.
- Number of "Make" rooms assigned for the period.
- Number of "Change" rooms assigned for the period.

- Total Time the housekeeper should have spent on each type of service (Make/Change) for the period based on the number of rooms assigned and the time allotment set by room type.

- Total Time the housekeeper spent on each type of service (Make/Change) for the period based on the data from the mobile app. If the mobile app is not used, the Actual data will be at "00:00".

- Variance between the budgeted time and the actual time spent on all services together.

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