Night Audit Market Segment Detail Report (Cloud)

Night Audit Market Segment Detail Report (Cloud)

The Market Segment Detail Report offers a detailed analysis of revenue performance for specific market segments within a chosen date range. It includes data on various revenue streams, such as room revenue, F&B (Food & Beverage) revenue, and other sources of income. This report enables users to assess the financial performance and activity of each market segment, including total room nights and sleeper nights.
Path: Accounting > Night Audit > Reprint Reports > Market Segment.

Generate report

1. Select "Market Segment Detail Report" from the drop down.

2. By default, the report is set up to be generated for the previous day, but you can extend and select your own date range.

3. Check the box if you choose to generate the report tax inclusive. This option is for properties that practice tax-inclusive.

3. Click Refresh.

4. Option is given to export a csv version of the data. See at the end for more information.

Detailed report

Code and Name of the market segment. Only segments that have generated some revenue at one point in the year will show.

Figures for the selected date range:
- Room revenue. This number is based on every accounting code using the sub-category "Room".
- F&B Revenue. This number is based on every accounting code using the sub-category "F&B".
- Other Revenue.
- Total Revenue.

- Room Nights: Total number of room nights during the selected date range for that market segment.
- Sleeper Nights: Total room nights by the number of adults and children (in our example below, there are 5 rooms for one night each (so 5 nights) with 2 person by rooms (5 rooms x 5 nights x 2 persons per room = 50).
- ARR: Total Room Related Revenue (Total Revenue divided by the Total of Room Nights).

Finally, at the bottom, the total for the date range for the following metrics: Room Revenue, F&B Revenue, Other Revenue, Total Revenue, Room Nights and Sleeper NIghts.

CSV report export

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