Night Audit Market Segment Report (Cloud) 🎥

Night Audit Market Segment Report (Cloud) 🎥

🎥 Watch Video
The Market Segment report show the total revenue for each Market Segment for the day, the month and the year.
Path: Accounting > Night Audit > Reprint Reports > Market Segment.

Generate report

1. Check the box if you choose to generate the report tax inclusive. This option is for properties that practice tax-inclusive.

2. Click Refresh.

3. Option is given to export a csv version of the data. See at the end for more information.

Detailed report

- Code of the market segment. Only segments that have generated some revenue at one point in the year will show.
- Name/description of the market segment.

Figures for the day, month to date and year to date:
- Revenue generated for this market segment.
- Number of reservations with this market segment.
- Average Daily Rate for this market segment revenue.
- Percentage of the ADR compare to the base rate at the moment of the reservation (percentage of the ADR compare to the applicable base rate).
- Part of this market segment in the total of rooms sold.

- Totals for the columns Revenue, Number of rooms, and ADR, for the day, the month to date, and the year to date.

CSV report export

The exported csv file will be named "Market Segment Report [Date of the Day]", with every information explained above reported.

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