Night Audit Room & Tax Report (Cloud) 🎥

Night Audit Room & Tax Report (Cloud) 🎥

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The Room & Tax report shows the amount of room and tax that was posted per room type. The report has 2 totals: the first, total of the room and tax listing, is made only from room revenue posted by the audit. The second, total of the revenue tax detail report, is made from the audit plus any and every manual room charge posting or adjustments. This second total is what will match the Daily Report for the Room Revenue Totals.
Path: Accounting > Night Audit > Reprint Reports > Room and Tax.

Generate report

1. Choose "Room and Tax" in the Reports dropdown.

2. Choose to get the last audit report or change the date.

3. Click Refresh.

Detailed report - Part1: Room & Tax Listing

The "Room & Tax Listing" shows the room and tax charges for all in-house rooms posted during the night audit. This list should be reviewed in the pre-audit reports checklist before running the night audit to ensure that the room and tax postings are accurate.

- Room number.
- Name of the guest occupying the room.
- Confirmation number for the reservation.
- Type of charge, normal room charge or no-show.
- Guest arrival date.
- Guest departure date.

- Room rate posted before tax.
- If the rate was overridden, an X will show.
- Amount of tax posted.
- Package amount if any.
- Amount of extra #1 if any.
- Amount of extra #2 if any.
- In the case of a transfer of charge, this field will show the origin of the transaction (group or other room).
- Method of payment set up on the reservation.

- Number of single occupancy rooms.
- Number of Double occupancy rooms.
- Total room revenue.
- Total exempted room revenue.

Detailed report - Part2: Revenue Tax Detail Report

The "Revenue Tax Detail" report shows every room charge and adjustment for the day. The total may differ from the "Room & Tax Listing" if any adjustments were made, regardless of whether the room was in-house or not.
All rooms that were tax exempt will be at the end of the list.

- Accounting code and description of the room revenue charge posted on the room.
- Room number.
- VM transaction ID number.
- Confirmation number for the reservation.
- Name of the guest.

- Room revenue posted before tax.
- VM Transaction ID number of the transaction voided or adjusted.
- Date of the void or adjustment.
- Amount of tax posted.
In the case of a transfer of charge, this field will show the origin of the transaction.
- Amount of tax posted by room number by tax code.

- Totals of revenue taxes.
- Total of exempted revenue, if any.
- Total of taxable revenue, only if the total is different from the summary totals.

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