Sales & Mktg City Ledger Export (Cloud) 🎥

Sales & Mktg City Ledger Export (Cloud) 🎥

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This collection of data is provided for the City Ledger. Examples of some available filters are as follows: Account #, (one account or all). You can see the total YTD revenue for a particular company once filters are put in place. The created list can be printed or exported to allow for possible label printing or email transmission.
Path: Sales and Marketing > Marketing > City Ledger

1. The report can be filtered with 14 parameters that we can sort into 5 categories:
- By type of city ledger: account number, member of a CL group, or if the CL is active or not (Status).
- By date: booking and/or arrival day.
- By provenance: zip code, state/province and/or country.
- By revenue: revenue or number of nights overall and/or year to date
- By contact information: if the profile has a fax number and/or an email.

2. Click Process.

3. The screen report will show a limited number of information as followed:
- City Ledger Account Number, Membership Code, and City Ledger Name.
- Contact Name, Telephone, Fax and Email.

4. Click Print to print this result or click Export to get more data. See next.

5. Choose the Format you want for the data export: Comma Delimited (PeachTree), Tab Delimited or IIF (Quickbooks).
6. Enter a name for the file.
7. Click OK.

8. Choose if you want to merge the data by City Ledger or have every reservations for every City Ledger Account.

9. See the attached document for an example of the exported data. It will include the 26 following fields:
- City edger Account Number, Member Code and Account Name.
- Contact Last and First Name, City, State, Zip and Country, Telephone, Fax and Email.
- Number of Nights and Revenue generated for the reservation, if export by reservation.
- Arrival Date and Date the reservation was Made, if export by reservation.
- City Ledger Account Address 1 and 2, Account Active or not, Contact Name Authorized to Book.
- City Ledger Account VM ID.
- If the Account allows Override and Weekend and Weekdays Override Rates.
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