Sales & Mktg Company Revenue Report (Cloud)

Sales & Mktg Company Revenue Report (Cloud)

The Company Revenue Report, located under Sales and Marketing – Company, provides a comprehensive breakdown of key metrics related to revenue and guest statistics within a selected date range. By default, the report displays data for the current date, but you can customize the Start Date and End Date to fit your needs.
Path: Sales & Marketing > Company > Company Revenue Report

Generate report

1. Narrow down the report using the optional date range filters. choose one day or a date range.

2. Click Refresh.

3. Once generated, you have the possibility to export the report as CSV. More info at the end.

Detailed report

- Company Name and Company Code.

- Arrivals: Number of arrivals during the selected date range.
- Rm Nights: Total number of room nights during the selected date range.
- Adults: Total number of adults during the selected date range.
- Children: Total number of children during the selected date range.

CSV exported report

The exported csv file will be named "Company Revenue Report [Date of the Day]", with every information explained above reported.

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