Search for (a) Task(s) (MOP 2.0)

Search for (a) Task(s) (MOP 2.0)

You can search for specific tasks in two locations: from the "All Tasks" section on the "Home" page/Dashboard (if you have access to it) and from the "Task Search" section.
Path1: All Tasks Home/Dashboard
Path2: Dashboard > Task Search

1. The "Search" field at the top of the page exclusively searches for tasks by assignees (employee who has been assigned a task).

2. Select the "funnel icon" located at the top right.

3. Filter #1: Choose to run your search to a specific duty task.

4. Filter #2: Choose to run your search to a specific area of the property (guest room or public/private area).

5. Filter #3: Choose to run your search to one or multiple task status.

6. Click Search.

"Task Search" displays all tasks, regardless of their status, and provides a wider range of filters compared to the previous search option on the home page.

1. The "Search" field at the top of the page exclusively searches for tasks by user.

2. Select the "funnel icon" located at the top right.

3. Filter #1: By Assignee; search for a task by the person to whom it was assigned.

4. Filter #2: By Room; search for a task by area of the property (guest room or public/private area).

5. Filter #3: By Duty; Filter by up to three different tasks, one in each category: Housekeeping (Duty), Maintenance, or Front Office.

6. Filter #4: By Priority (low, medium or hight) & Status (new, start, finished, ...).

7. Filter #5: By date and the person who created the task; Filter by when the task was created and by who created the task.
Date range must be less than 62 days.

8. Filter #6: By category of task; Select a category of task: Front Desk, Maintenance, Recurring Task, Preventative Maintenance, or a task link to a pet.

9. Click Search.

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