Setup/Update a User Verification Status (MOP 2.0)

Setup/Update a User Verification Status (MOP 2.0)

In MOP, a user can be set up with either "Self" verification, meaning any task they complete will be automatically marked as "Verified," or "Super" verification, requiring a supervisor to inspect and   mark the task as "Completed".
Path: Administration > Identity Management > Users

1. Click on the icon featuring a wheel on the left-hand side next to the user to deactivate.

2. Click on "Edit".

3. Stay on the "User Information" tab.

4. Go to the "Verify By" section and select the correct status for the user:
- "Self" verification, meaning any task they complete will be automatically marked as "Verified".
- "Super" verification, requiring a supervisor to verify the completed task.

5. Click "Save".

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