The Guest Profiler section within the Sales and Marketing module provides you with the capability to update a Guest Profile Type, assigning it a specific status such as VIP, Member, or Do Not Rent. This feature allows you to manage and categorize guest profiles based on their status, enabling you to tailor your services and interactions with guests according to their designated profile type.

To modify the Guest Profile Type directly from a reservation, the reservation status must be either Hold (HLD), Guaranteed (GTD), or Checked-in (IN). Changes to the Guest Type are not allowed for checked-out or canceled reservations. In such cases, adjustments should be made directly in the Guest Profile section.
Path: Sales and Marketing > Guest Profiler > Search the Guest Profile to Update
Mark a Guest "Do Not Rent"
1. Open the Guest Profile
2. Scroll to the "Marketing Information" section and select "Do Not Rent" as the "Guest Type".
3. Click "Save" from the top of the page.
Dual Warnings and Log Tracking
1. If a new reservation is created using a guest profile marked as "Do Not Rent," a pop-up message will appear, requiring acknowledgment or confirmation before proceeding with the reservation creation. This serves as a precautionary measure to ensure awareness and compliance with the specific status associated with the guest profile.

This status will not prevent a reservation to be made for that guest.
2. In the event that a reservation is created despite the "Do Not Rent" status in the guest profile, a second warning will be displayed during the check-in process. This secondary pop-up serves as an additional alert, requiring acknowledgment before proceeding with the check-in, emphasizing the status associated with the guest profile. A dual choice will be presented, allowing the user to either proceed with the check-in or return to the reservation, providing flexibility in decision-making.
3. In the event that a guest is checked in despite the "Do Not Rent" status, the bypass will be recorded in the "Res Mod Log." This log entry will include the name of the user who approved the check-in, providing a transparent and traceable record of the deviation from the standard profile restrictions.
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