Create a Restaurant Type Revenue Center in the Mini POS (Desktop)

Create a Restaurant Type Revenue Center in the Mini POS (Desktop)

The Visual Matrix POS will let you create two types of Revenue Centers: a Retail type for a Gift or Sundry shop and a Restaurant type if you have a small restaurant. This article will focus on the Restaurant type of Revenue Center.
Path: Sale > Point of Sale > Setup.

Setup the Revenue Center

Path: Point of Sale > Setup > Revenue Centers.

1. Add the revenue center:
      - enter a description for the Revenue Center you are creating for the Restaurant.
      - choose the designated House Account you created previously in the pre-setup section.
      - check the box "Location Required" to be able to create tickets per table or bar stool.
      - enter the percentage amount of Tip you will include in the final amount of the ticket.
      - choose the accounting code you created for that account in the pre-setup section.
      - check the "Active" box to activate the Revenue Center.
2. Enter here any message you wish to print on the receipt.
3. Exit and get back in to continue and enter the items.

Setup the Revenue Center Items

Path: Point of Sale > Setup > Click on the Revenue Center > Revenue Center Items.
Enter one by one the items you created previously in the Accounting section in the pre-setup section.

Add each article you will sell:
      - choose the code of that item. Limited to 4 characters. You can use the same code as the Accounting code.
      - enter a description. You can use the same code as the Accounting code.
      - choose the corresponding Accounting code for that item.
      - Check the "Monitor Status" box if you have another POS screen set up in the kitchen that will display the Monitor feature.
      - if you have an ID/Bar Code Scanner, you can scan it here. You can also enter the Bar Code number manually.
      - enter the price of the Item, before tax. The tax status has already been added to the Accounting Code setup.
      - check the "Active" box to Activate the Item in the Revenue Center.

Setup the Revenue Center Locations

Path: Point of Sale > Setup > Click on the Revenue Center > Revenue Center Locations.

Add any table, bar stool or location where you would open a ticket from. Check the box "Allow Multiple Tickets" if you want to allow the creation of a new ticket on that location (table) whether the previous ticket is not closed.

Setup the Revenue Center Payment Type

Path: Point of Sale > Point of Sale > Setup > Click on the Revenue Center > Revenue Center Payment Type.

Check all the Methods of Payment you will accept for that Revenue Center. Transfer to Folio will be used to transfer the ticket total to the guest room folio.

Setup the Kitchen Monitor

Path: Point of Sale > Setup > Click on the Revenue Center > Kitchen Monitor on the bottom right.

1. Enter the number of seconds between each time the Kitchen monitor will update.
2. Enter the number of columns you want to show on the screen, between 1 and 4.
3. Enter the number of minutes before an item on the monitor shows as Overdue. A red dot will show at the bottom of the monitor next to the timer when it is going over the expiration time.
4. Check the "Allow Cash" box if you want to authorize a Transfer to Folio to rooms that are paying cash.
5. Click Exit to return to the login page.

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