Mgmt Room Type Popularity History Report (Desktop) 🎥

Mgmt Room Type Popularity History Report (Desktop) 🎥

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The Room Type Popularity report displays the occupancy, revenue, ADR by room number and by room type for a specific period.
Path: Management > Admin > Reports > Room Type Popularity

Generate report

1. Narrow down the report using the optional available filters (from left to right):
- by date(s).

- by style: choose to display the report the classic way, as bar graph, or as pie graph.

2. Click Refresh.

Detailed report

- Rom type.
- Room numbers sold for each room type.

- Total of each room number sold.
- Total of each room number comped.

- Number of adults that occupied each room number.
- Number of kids that occupied each room number.
- Average of the number of occupants by room number.
- Percentage (%) of use of that room number for the time period.

- Revenue generated for that room number.
- ADR of that room number.

- % of the room numbers' ADR compare to the applicable base rate.
- % of the room numbers' ADR compare to the applicable tier rate.

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