Pre-Audit CheckList - Operator Transactions Report (Desktop) 🎥

Pre-Audit CheckList - Operator Transactions Report (Desktop) 🎥

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The Operator Transactions Log report shows the total of payments as well as all other revenue accounting codes posted per user for the day.
Path: Accounting > Night Audit > Night Audit.

1. Click View in the middle.

2. The report has 2 sections: the Operator Totals and the Transaction Details.

3. Narrow down the Transaction Details section using the optional available filters (from left to right):
- by operator ID. Keep ALL or choose a specific user to verify what this operator has posted during the day.
- by transaction type: advance deposit transfer (Adv Dep Xfer - 7T), guest ledger balance, payment or revenue.
- by transaction category:
      - if payment is chosen as a type previously, it will display every sub-categories payments.
      - if revenue is chosen as a type previously, it will display every sub-categories revenues.
- by accounting code.

4. The Operator Totals will display by user ID and for all users the amount posted in Visual Matrix and the amount reported by each user in "Front Office > Reports > Front Office > Operator Cash Out".

5. The Transaction Details will display results based on the filters used in step 3:
- the accounting code of the transaction posted.
- the room number to which the transaction was posted.
- the folio of the room to which the transaction was posted.
- the name of the guest occupying the room.

- the amount of the transaction posted.
- the amount after adjustment if the amount was adjusted.
- the box will be checked if the transaction was voided.
- the date of the original transaction in case of an adjustment.
- the room from which the transaction originated in case of a transfer.
- the description of the transaction.

- if a transaction was voided, the reason for the void.
- the ID of the user who posted, adjusted, or voided the transaction.
- the time the transaction was posted, adjusted, or voided.

Double-click anywhere on a transaction line to open the folio. Click Close at the bottom of the folio to bring you back to the pre-audit checklist page.

6. Click Print if you want to keep a paper copy or save it in PDF.

7. Click Close.

8. The status of this step in the pre-audit checklist is now completed.

9. You can now click on the "1 Button Audit".

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