Sales & Mktg Hotel Status (Cloud) 🎥

Sales & Mktg Hotel Status (Cloud) 🎥

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The Hotel Status is a snapshot of the Statistical Recap for the current day and stats from the previous day. Always click Refresh when opening the page to get the latest data. The page can be printed.
Path: Sales & Marketing > Reports > Hotel Status

The Hotel Status is divided in 6 sections:
- Room Sales Current.
- Room Sales Yesterday.
- Regrets/Loss of Business.
- Early Check Out reasons.
- Reason for Stay.
- Yesterday's Statistical Recap Month to Date (MTD) and Year to Date (YTD) for the current year and the previous one.

Start by clicking Refresh.

Room Sales - Current (Day)

- In House: number of rooms currently in house.
- Arrivals: number of rooms pending to check-in.
- Departures: number of rooms pending to checked out.
- Rooms: number of rooms forecast for the day.
- Early C/O: number of early check-outs for the current audit date.

- Late C/I: number of late check-ins (backdated) after the audit.
- Walk-Ins: number of walk-in done in the current day (reservation and straight check-in).
- Out of Service: number of rooms out of service.
- Comps: number of rooms currently on a complementary rate.

- Occupancy: percentage of rooms divided by the total of available rooms.
- Revenue: hotel’s current revenue for the day.
- ADR (Average Daily Rate): total room revenue divided by the number of rooms rented.
- Revpar (Revenue per available room): the total room revenue expected divided by the total number of rooms (Rooms).

Room Sales - Yesterday

- ADR With Comps: ADR adjusted by rooms occupied without rates.
- Rev Par: revenue per available room.
- Out of Service: number of rooms that were out of service for maintenance requests.
- Comps: number of rooms that were occupied on a complementary rate.
- Revenue Adjusted: total room charge adjustments.

- Occupied: number of rooms occupied.
- No Shows: number of no-show reservations.
- Early C/O: number of rooms that checked out earlier than schedule.
- Late C/I: number of late check-ins (backdated) after the audit.

- Total Rooms: total number of occupied rooms.
- Occupancy: percentage of occupied rooms.
- ADR (Average Daily Rate): total room revenue divided by the number of rooms rented.
- Revenue: yesterday’s daily revenue.

Regrets/Loss of Business

This section will show every "Regrets" that were logged on the day choosen, by default the current day.
When the regret was entered, why the guest decided not to book at the hotel and the clerk who logged the regret.

Early Check Out Reasons

This section will show every guest that checked our earlier than schedule on the day choosen, by default the current day.
Room number, time of check out, guest name, reason given and clerk who did the check-out.

Reason for Stay

This section will show everytime "Other" is choosen as a Reason for Stay and a customize reason is entered, in the day choosen, by default the current day.
Time the reason was entered, guest name, reason for the stay and clerk who entered the reason.

Yesterday's Statistical Recap

The statistical recap takes the information fields from the Current Room Sales and summarizes the information for the current Month to Date and Year to Date.
The Month to Date field will populate with respect to the current month (e.g. the Current MTD is in February, so the Last Year MTD is February of last year).

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