Sales & Mktg Market Segment History Report (Desktop) 🎥

Sales & Mktg Market Segment History Report (Desktop) 🎥

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The Market Segment History report will display the number of rooms, revenue generated and ADR for each Market Segment. The Market Segments are marketing segments that are setup in "Sales & Marketing > Setup > Market Segments".
Path: Sales & Marketing > Reports > History > Market Segment

Generate report

1. Choose the period to generate the report for. This report is generated by monthly accounting periods for the current year and the previous year.

2. Click Refresh.

Detailed report

- Market Segments Id and description. The codes are sorted by total month to date revenue, from highest to lowest.

Month to date Stats by code - from the 1st of the current month to the current date:
- Total Revenue.
- Total rooms sold.
- ADR.

Totals for each time period, from left to right:
- Total Revenue.
- Total rooms sold.
- ADR.
- (For the Last Year MTD and YTD) Percentage variance with the current month and year.

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