The Folio Detailed

The Folio Detailed

The Folio can be divided in multiple sections.

1. Hotel Information

The Hotel Name and Address
The Hotel Name cannot be changed. To update, follow the instructions: Update the Name of the Property in Visual Matrix
The Address can be updated by going to Management > Property Settings > General.
You can also choose if you would like the name and the address to print or not:


If you have a logo of your hotel, this is where it will be displayed: Add/Print a Logo on every Forms (Cloud)

Hotel phone number, email, and website
This information can be updated by going to Management > Property Settings > General.
You can choose if you would like that information to print or not: Show/Hide the Property Phone Number on every Forms (Cloud)

2. Folio Heading

The Folio Heading is like a title to the Folio. It can be customized: Update/Customize Guest Folio Heading (Cloud)

3. Guest Information

Guest Personal Information
This information is hardcoded but some information can be hidden. The date and time are from the moment the folio was generated.

4. Stay Details

This information is hardcoded and cannot be customized.

5. Dates, Rates, Tax, Packages, Extras costs

This information is hardcoded and cannot be customized at the exception of the Operator ID.
- Posting date: Date the service/charge was posted
- Oper: Hotel operator who posted the service
- AcctCode: Accounting Code of the service/charge
- From: If the charge was rerouted from another room, it will show here the original room number
- Reference: Reference of the transfer. This is for reporting purposes
- Amount: Total Amount of the line
- Balance Due: Balance total for the stay

6. Preset Text

This text can be customized: Update/Customize Guest Folio Receipts (Cloud)

The bottom signature field is hardcoded and cannot be taken out. The Footer text can be customized: Update/Customize Guest Folio Footer (Cloud)

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