4. Select CR as the code is a Credit applied to the room rate.
5. Enter a description for the code.
6. Select "No" for "Override Description".
7. Select "Revenue" as the posting category from the dropdown.
8. Select the sub-category "Room" as the Posting Sub-Category.
9. Leave the "Fixed Amount" field empty.
10. Select "Revenue" as the type of taxation.
11. If applicable and used, enter a budget percentage. This percentage will be compared to budgetary numbers. It will also allow you to take last year's figures and offset them by this budgetary percentage to reflect on a report as a comparative number.
12. Select if and who can void the code once posted.
- Select Supervisor to make the accounting code available only to users that have supervisor privileges.
- Select All to make it available to all users.
14. Check the box to Activate the code.
15. Do not check the "Prompt to Quantity" box.
17. Although this code is a Credit, the "Operator Cash Out Report" field has to stay blank.
18. Select "GL Room Rev" as the Daily Detail Report.
19. Click the green floppy disk at the top right to Save the new code.
Require assistance with that article?
What would this code need to do when you post it?
Is this code going to be used in guest folios?
What would you like to name the code and description?
When would you use this code for the property?

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