- Total rooms booked for the period by Company.
- Total revenue booked for the period by Company.
- ADR for the period by Company.
- Total rooms booked for all Companies per day.
- Total rooms booked for the period.
- Total revenue booked for the period.
- ADR for the period for all Companies.
Summary report - Over 2 weeks (14 days) - Without Guests Reservations
Data by company:
- Company account number and name.
- Number of nights currently booked.
- Revenue currently booked.
- ADR for the current reservations.
- Number of adults and kids, as well as the average adults per room.
- Average lenght of stay.
At the bottom, line of totals for the date range:
- Total of nights currently booked for all Companies.
- Revenue currently booked.
- ADR for the current reservations.
- Number of adults and kids, as well as the average adults per room.
Detailed report - Guests Reservations Included (whatever lenght of date range)
Company by Company, the first line will show the Company code and name.
- Name of the guest.
- Date of arrival and departure.
- Number of nights.
- Revenue forecast for the reservation
- ADR forecast for the reservation.
At the bottom:
- Total number of nights booked for all Companies, revenue forecast and ADR.