Sales & Mktg Reservation (Res) Origin Forecast Report (Desktop) 🎥

Sales & Mktg Reservation (Res) Origin Forecast Report (Desktop) 🎥

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The Reservation Origin forecast report will show statistics of the origin of reservations between local and channel managers from current and future reservations. If you have multiple channel managers, they will each have their own stats.
Path: Sales & Marketing > Reports > Forecast > Res Orig

Generate report

1. Narrow down the report using the optional available filters (from left to right):
- by period: choose a Start and End date.

- by style: choose to display the report the classic way, as bar graph, or as pie graph.

2. Click Refresh.

Detailed report

- Date and day of the data.

Then, for each reservation origin:
- Number of rooms currently booked.
- Occupancy rate of local reservations and reservations originated from the channel manager(s).
- Revenue generated from local reservations and from reservation originated from the channel manager(s).
- ADR of local reservations or reservation originated from the channel manager(s).

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