Sales & Mktg Guest Incentive Forecast Report (Cloud)

Sales & Mktg Guest Incentive Forecast Report (Cloud)

The Guest Incentive forecast report will display a recap of Guests that are assigned an incentive number in their profile and have booked a reservation. It is like tracking VIP guests but more precisely.
Path: Sales & Marketing > Reports > Forecast > Guest Incentive

Generate report

1. Narrow down the report by choosing the period to generate the report for. If the period is over 2 weeks (14 days), the report will be shown in a summary format - See below.

2. Click Refresh.

Detailed report - Up to 2 weeks version

- Incentive number and Guest name.

- Number of rooms currently booked by guest each day.

- Total of rooms booked by guest for the date range.
- Total revenue forecast for the period.
- ADR for each guest for the date range.

Summary report - Over 2 weeks version

- Guest incentive number and name.

- Total rooms (nights) booked by guest for the period.
- Total revenue forecast for the period.
- ADR by guest for the date range.

- Total number of adults for the period.
- Average number of adult by room.
- Total number of kids for the period.
- Average lenght of stay of each guest.

Grand totals:
- Number of rooms currently booked by guest with an incentive number.
- Revenue forecast for all rooms currently booked.
- ADR forecast for all rooms currently booked by guest with an incentive number.
- Total number of adults.
- Average number of adult by room.
- Total number of kids.

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