In House Market Segment Report (Cloud)
The In-House Market Segment report provides a list of guests currently staying at the hotel. It includes information about their market segment, reservation source, and any discount codes applied to their bookings.
Path: Front Office > Reports > Front Office > In-House Guests > Choose Market Segment from the Report drop-down.
Generate report
1. Choose "Market Segment" in the Report dropdown.
2. Narrow down the report using the optional available filters (from left to right):
- by date: only checked-in guests will show. If generated for a previous or future date, only guests still or already checked in for those dates will show.
- by sorting the report by guest name or by room number.
- by including or excluding groups, all groups, or one specific.
3. Click Refresh.
Detailed report
- Room number and created folios.
- Guest name.
- Arrival and departure dates.
- Number of adults and children on the reservation.
- Rate of the current night - if no rate shows then the guest is on its departure date.
- Package code if a package is attached to the reservation.
- Group name if the reservation is part of a group.
- The market segment of the reservation.
- Company code (Source code) if a company is entered in the reservation.
- Discount code if a discount is applied to the reservation.
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